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Tips on Reading Comprehension

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

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第一:嘗試閲讀課文一次。睇下自己可以明白多少,找下重點。 Try reading the whole text atleast once. Then highlight all the main points you think are important down. 第二: 留意每個段落的第一句句子。圈低關鍵字,更容易回答問題。 Underline the topic sentences and circle the keywords in each paragraph. Therefore, you can locate them easily when you are trying to answer the questions. 第三: 如遇到有困難的生字,試下用整段句子推斷詞語意思 。

例如: He is a spoiled kid. His mum gives him everything.

可以推斷: 如果小孩媽媽所以東西都給他。他應該會是個寵壞了的孩子。

If you come across words that you don’t know, try to guess the meanings from the following sentence. 第四:圈底年份,數字,事件等重點。可以令自己有更多餘下時間,去推敲有困難的部份。

Circle down the years, numbers, data , names and incidents in the text. Therefore, you can spare enough time for yourself to guess the parts that you find difficult with. 第五:用刪除方法回答選擇題時,可以在不關聯或不合理句子,先X否定。

Remember to use the cross-out method on multiple choice questions. Cross out the unrelated answers that don’t make sense from reading the text.

I hope these tips can help you improve your reading comprehension skills for your future use!

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